The conflict with Spain and conquest of the Philippines :...

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Libros Libros The conflict with Spain and conquest of the Philippines : a standard history based upon official reports and... (1898) - Keenan, Henry F.     Copia digital

Sección: Libros

Título: The conflict with Spain and conquest of the Philippines : a standard history based upon official reports and descriptions of eye-witnesses: illustrated with original drawings from photographs and sketches made on the scene of action / by Henry F. Keenan

Publicación: Philadelphia ; Chicago : P. W. Ziegler, 1898

Descripción física: 667 p. : lám., il. ; 24 cm

CDU: 327(460:73)

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros

Derechos: Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA):


Biblioteca AECID (Madrid) — Colección: ah2a — Signatura: 3R-4870 — Código de barras: rbh262420

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