The present state of the Empire of Morocco its animals,...

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Libros Libros The present state of the Empire of Morocco its animals, products, climate, soil, cities, ports, provinces, coins,... (1788) - Chénier, Louis     Vol. 1   Vol. 2

Sección: Libros

Título: The present state of the Empire of Morocco its animals, products, climate, soil, cities, ports, provinces, coins, weights and measures, with the language, religion, laws, maners, customs and character of the Moors / translated from the French of M. Chenier

Publicación: London : [s.n.], 1788 (Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson)

Descripción física: 2 v. (VI, 377 p., [1] h. de map. pleg. ; 427 p.) ; 21 cm

Notas: "The following translation, howewer, is only a part of the "Recherches historiques sur les maures", by M. Chenier--P.III

Materia / geográfico / evento: Marruecos-Historia-Hasta S.XVIII Icono con lupa

Nombre jerárquico lugar: Gran Bretaña-Londres Icono con lupa

CDU: 94(64)".../17"

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros

Derechos: Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA):

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Biblioteca AECID (Madrid) — Signatura: 4R-603 — Código de barras: rbi23264 — Notas: Enc. hol. con puntas - Ex-libris: The Beaufoy Library

Vol. 1 Vol. 1

Biblioteca AECID (Madrid) — Signatura: 4R-604 — Código de barras: rbi23264 — Notas: Enc. hol. con puntas - Ex-libris: The Beaufoy Library

Vol. 2 Vol. 2