History of the Arabs and their literature before and...

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Libros Libros History of the Arabs and their literature before and after the rise of Islâm within the limits of their peninsula... (1894) - Van Dyck, Edward A.     Objetos digitales

Sección: Libros

Título: History of the Arabs and their literature before and after the rise of Islâm within the limits of their peninsula and beyond it an outline... / compiled from Arab and European sources by Edward A. van Dyck

Publicación: Laibach : Ig. v. Kleinmayr & Fed. Bamberg, 1894

Descripción física: VI, 222 p. ; 23

Materia / geográfico / evento: Islam-Historia Icono con lupa
Árabes-Historia Icono con lupa

Nombre jerárquico lugar: Eslovenia-Liubliana Icono con lupa

CDU: 297

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros

Derechos: Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA): http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

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Historia Icono con lupa
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Biblioteca AECID (Madrid) — Signatura: 4R-1192 — Código de barras: rbi61780 — Notas: Enc. hol.

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